Tis the season…for foot and ankle issues! Jokes aside, winter brings its own set of podiatric problems, especially for your toes and toenails. From icy sidewalks and snowy slopes to restrictive footwear and slower circulation, there are plenty of ways to end up hurting. And if we ignore the aches and pains, seemingly minor issues can quickly escalate into major problems.

The good news? West Hartford Podiatry has put together some tips to help you avoid any unpleasantness! Keep reading to learn about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for winter toe woes, provided by our talented podiatry team.

The “Black Toe” Blues

One of the most common winter foot complaints is the dreaded “black toenail,” medically known as a subungual hematoma.

Why Early Treatment Matters

Ignoring a bruised toenail can lead to increased pressure and pain, and, in some cases, infection.

Don’t Let it Snowball!

Another common winter woe is chilblains, inflamed skin lesions that develop in response to cold and damp conditions.

  • These itchy, red patches often appear on toes and can become painful and blistered if left untreated.

Frostbite, though less common, is a far more serious concern.

Little Toes, Big Problems

Even our youngest patients aren’t immune to winter foot worries. Wearing bulky snow boots can sometimes encourage “toe-walking” in children, which can strain developing muscles and tendons, leading to pain and gait abnormalities if not addressed.

The Bottom Line

Don’t let winter foot problems put a damper on your season! Focus on proper care and prompt treatment to prevent future problems, and if something does go wrong, feel free to get in touch!

At West Hartford Podiatry AssociatesDr. Marc Lederman and Dr. Kurt Rode treat ankle sprainsfracturesrunning injuriessports injuriesbunionshammertoesheel painneuromas, and more. If you’re in need of emergency services, we can treat you faster than an urgent care clinic. Contact us online for your foot and ankle needs, or call (860)236-2564! Our office is at 2531 Albany Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117.