Tendon injuries and ruptures are common among athletes and active individuals alike, but that doesn’t make them any easier to deal with. These injuries can be painful and debilitating, often requiring immobilization, surgery, or both.
In many cases, we’ve found that same-day emergency care services can provide immediate relief and help prevent long-term complications. For this blog post, West Hartford Podiatry Associates will lay out the details of tendon injuries and suggest a few treatment techniques that resolve them for good.
Common Tendon Injuries
- Achilles Tendon Rupture: This is acommon and severe injury among athletes, particularly those involved in jumping sports. Symptoms include a sudden sharp pain in the back of the heel, followed by a popping sensation.
- Ankle Tendon Rupture: The tendons on the side of the ankle can also rupture, often due to sudden twisting or rolling movements. Sprains, which make up more than 2 million ER visits alone on their own, can also contribute to chronic instability and the likelihood of future ankle tendon rupture. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.
- Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocation: This injury involves a fracture or dislocation of the bones in the midfoot. It is often caused by high-energy trauma, such as a twisting fall from a height or a car accident.
When to Seek Emergency Care
If you experience…
- Sudden, severe pain
- Swelling or bruising
- Inability to bear weight
- Deformity or instability of the foot or ankle
… then it is important to seek emergency medical attention right away.
Treatment Options
The treatment for tendon injuries and ruptures will depend on the severity of the injury and the specific tendon involved.
- In some cases, non-surgical treatments such as immobilization via boot or cast, physical therapy, and medications may be sufficient.
- However, more severe injuries may require surgery to repair the damaged tendon. In these instances, several weeks of recovery time are often required.
At our practice, same-day emergency care services can provide immediate evaluation and treatment for tendon injuries and ruptures. By offering lower wait times and specialized expertise, this option can help reduce pain, prevent further damage, and improve the chances of a successful recovery.
At West Hartford Podiatry Associates, Dr. Marc Lederman and Dr. Kurt Rode treat ankle sprains, fractures, running injuries, sports injuries, bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, neuromas, and more. If you’re in need of emergency services, we can treat you faster than an urgent care clinic. Contact us online for your foot and ankle needs, or call (860)236-2564! Our office is at 2531 Albany Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117.