Summer is in the air! When it comes to your warm weather plans, it’s important to remember to keep yourself safe and injury free, especially when it comes to your feet and ankles. Pool parties can be fun, but a slip can lead to a fracture if you’re not careful. Wearing flip-flops or sandals might let your toes breathe, but twisting an ankle is too easy. If you have an ankle injury this summer, seeing a podiatrist is important. Don’t ignore your pain!

Here’s what you need to know about the two most common ankle injuries, fractures, and sprains:

Ankle Fractures

Fractures occur when excess force causes bones to break or crack. Stress fractures are smaller cracks in the bone caused by repeated overuse. General fractures are deeper breaks caused by falls or sudden applications of force. Severe cases may involve injury to the surrounding tendons and ligaments and may require surgery.

Symptoms include:
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Inability to bear weight
  • Sensitivity to touch

Treating a fracture quickly and efficiently is extremely important. Contact your foot doctor ASAP! In the meantime, use the R.I.C.E. treatment and closely follow your podiatrist’s treatment instructions following your assessment appointment.


Ankle Sprains

Sprains occur when ligaments (connective solid bands of tissue) surrounding the ankle are stretched or torn. This commonly occurs when the foot rolls underneath the ankle during high-intensity activities. Sprains can also occur when walking on uneven surfaces.

Symptoms include:
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

Once a sprain occurs, follow the RICE protocol: rest, ice, compress, and elevate. If your sprain doesn’t improve after a few days, call your podiatrist and schedule an appointment. A severe sprain may require surgery to repair the injured ligaments.

At West Hartford Podiatry Associates, Marc Lederman, DPM, and Kurt Rode, DPM, treat a variety of foot and ankle conditions such as ankle sprains, fractures, running injuries, sports injuries, pediatric foot care, bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, and neuromas. We provide the best podiatric solutions to patients of all ages in Hartford County. Contact us for your foot and ankle needs. Our office is at 2531 Albany Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117.