Participating in winter sports is a fun way to stay in shape as the temperatures drop outside. Whether you’re skiing, ice skating, or taking a cold morning run, the doctors at West Hartford Podiatry Associates want to help you reduce your risk of injury and avoid an unscheduled visit to the podiatrist.
Common winter injuries include ankle sprains and ankle fractures. An ankle fracture occurs when the ankle rolls inward or outward and there is a break in the bone. An ankle sprain occurs when ligaments are injured. Here’s what you can do to avoid these injuries:
Warming up is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of a foot or ankle injury while playing a winter sport. Allow your body the proper time to warm-up and prepare for exercise. Rushing into an activity can lead to injuries that can put you on the sidelines for the rest of the season. While it’s important to warm up before you play a sport, don’t forget to cool down too.
Wear the right shoes
Does the shoe fit? Ask this question when thinking about the size of your feet as well as the sport. Different sports require specific styles of shoes to provide maximum support and the best performance experience. Re-evaluate your shoes often and look for signs of wear and tear.
Watch the weather
Layer up when the temperatures dip to avoid frostbite. We also suggest choosing the right shoes for slippery or dangerous weather conditions and keeping your feet dry. Reduce your risk of developing a fungal infection.
Follow our suggestions to avoid bumps, bruises, sprains, and fractures. We’re here to help you prevent a winter sports injury this season. At West Hartford Podiatry Associates, Harvey Lederman, DPM, Marc Lederman, DPM, and Kurt Rode, DPM treat a variety of foot and ankle conditions such as ankle sprains, foot and ankle fractures, Achilles raptures, bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, neuromas, and warts. We provide the best podiatric solutions to patients of all ages in Hartford County. Contact us for your foot and ankle needs. Our office is at 2531 Albany Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117.