What your podiatrists in West Hartford want you to know

If you have a large, bony bump next to your big toe, chances are it’s a bunion. Bunions can be caused by wearing shoes that don’t have  

Hallux Valgus, Bunion In Foot

enough toe room, causing your toes to be pushed together. This causes the toe joint in your big toe to protrude and rub against the inside of your shoe.

Women suffer the most from bunions, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. That’s because women often wear shoes that are too narrow in the toes and high heels, which cause your toes to be thrust forward. Your podiatrists at West Hartford Podiatry in West Hartford, CT want to share their expertise about bunions and how they can help you get relief from the pain of bunions.

There are some things you can do at home to help ease bunion pain. You should try:

  • Taping your foot to cushion the bunion and add support to your foot
  • Wearing wide, comfortable, more supportive shoes
  • Wearing shoe inserts or padding
  • Taking over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications

For stubborn pain and large bunions, it’s best to visit your podiatrist. Your podiatrists at West Hartford Podiatry will do a full exam and take x-rays to see how much bone is involved and how your toe movement is affected. After your exam, your podiatrist will know the best course of action to treat your bunion. Depending on the size and characteristics of the bunion, possible treatment options include:

  • Cortisone injections around the bunion
  • Prescription-strength medications for pain and inflammation
  • Custom footwear, orthotics or inserts
  • Surgical solutions including joint fusion, straightening your toe or removal of excess tissue

If you are suffering from a painful bunion, it’s time to get some help from the experts. Get back on your feet by calling your podiatrists at West Hartford Podiatry in West Hartford, CT. Take care of your feet by calling today!